Before my born again experience in July 1993, I had great belief in Palmistry, Numerology, Face Reading, Yoga and Astrology and I used to make regular visits to Palmists for guidance and to know what the future had in store for me. There was a Palmist by the name of Babu in Coimbatore, a place in South India who I used to visit frequently for counsel since 1986.
This man even had the ability to tell a person the day that he/she would die and was very much in demand in Coimbatore. Just immediately after my conversion I was asked to go to Coimbatore on a business trip for the company I worked for and I visited Babu as usual to enquire about my life, not knowing that God never approved it. This time Babu took my palm, looked into it and dropped it immediately as though he had come in contact with a live wire. He looked at me and said, “All I can see everywhere on the palm is the cross and the creases are invisible. Have you become a serious Christian”? Babu never knew about my born again experience and it was a shock to me. I later came to realize as a baby Christian, that God hates His children going to Astrologers, Palmists, Face readers, Numerologists, Mediums, Wizards, Sorcerers, Necromancers, Diviners and all forms of Witchcraft.
Stars have nothing to do with our future and God creates each man to be unique, different from each other. Even character assumptions based on our birth signs and dates are wrong. Selwyn Hughes in his book, ‘Understanding Guidance’ writes that turning to the stars for any guidance is a sign of spiritual and moral decay.
Here is a quote I stumbled upon recently – “I can show you a sinner and a saint, a gentleman and a rascal, a chatterbox and a reserved person – all born on the same day. Birth signs and dates do not have any effect on our character but the Word of God has”!
As a Christian I now believe that the Lord has engraved my future in the palm of His Hands (Isaiah 49:16). I need not consult any elemental spirits for guidance as the Holy Spirit is the Promised Guide for all blood washed believers.
How about you dear child of God? Have you had any experience with the occult? You need to come to Jesus and renounce your sin!