Word of Truth
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: June 13, 2017

James and John came to Jesus and asked Him, ‘Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory’. They wanted a special place of leadership in the Kingdom. When the other ten disciples heard it, they were indignant at James and John. However Jesus simply replied to them saying, “You do not know what you are asking.” 

Jesus then taught that Christian leadership is very different from the way the gentiles lead. In the world, everyone wants a position of significance and they do it by exercising lordship over their subjects, but as a Christian leader one must be willing to serve others. 

The worldly leaders try to make their subjects happy by giving them all what they want, but by lording over them. Jesus asserts that Christian leaders should be servant leaders, who lead by example. They are expected to be humble, lead with love and understanding and handle goal, process and personality related conflicts with grace. The Servant-leader does not foist his ideas on his team members but is willing to listen to the views of others. Jesus prayerfully selected twelve men and after their Acts 2 experience in the upper room with the exception of Judas, - they worked together as a team and established Christianity through exemplary leadership they learnt from Jesus. 

Only a Christian leader can extend forgiveness to others like Jesus did to all who were under Him. 

Thought for the day: Unless Christian leaders demonstrate servant leadership to their subjects, how will the world get to know this style? 


jesus (2)
James and John came to Jesus and asked Him, ‘Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your glory’. They wanted a special place of leadership in the Kingdom. When the other ten disciples heard it, they were indignant at James and John. However Jesus simply replied to them saying, “You do not know what you are asking.” 

Jesus then taught that Christian leadership is very different from the way the gentiles lead." data-share-imageurl="">