In the Old Testament the Lord spoke through three prophets – Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel referring to Israel as the wild vine.After all the effort that the Lord had taken to make Israel yield good fruit, it still yielded only wild grapes (Isaiah 5:1 - 7) In this chapter, Jesus is presenting Himself as the True Vine or True Israel, fulfilling that which Israel had failed in the Old Testament. Jesus said that those who believe in Him the True Vine are His branches in the New Testament. Every branch of the vine grows out from the main stock and only the branches that bear fruit are pruned to yield more fruit. The pruned branches abide in the vine to grow thick and fast around the main stock, bearing much fruit.
The Holy Spirit is the sap that flows through the branches (believers) to yield choice grapes (fruits). Without abiding in Jesus Christ the True Vine, a believer can do nothing.God even lamented through Prophet Hosea that Israel had dealt faithlessly with Him and borne ‘alien children’ without relationship with Him by running after false gods (Hosea 5:7). All the fruit which is acceptable to God the Father(Gardner) springs forth, only by union with Jesus, the Son of God.
Apostle Paul illustrates the fruit bearing nature of the church when it is connected to Jesus the True Vine, through the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22 – 23).
It is only by abiding in Jesus Christ we can bear good fruit and prove to the world that we are His disciples.