Raising The Bar


Psalm 23:1

When God brought His people out of Egypt through the Red Sea into the wilderness, He made a treaty with them saying, “I am your Jehovah”. The fulfillment of seven covenant Names of God is seen in this Universal Psalm by David, the shepherd turned king.

Raising The Bar

Moses, realizing that he was not backed by his own people after killing an Egyptian, fled from Egypt to Midian, to save his own life. He became complacent with a good father-in-law, wife, two sons and sheep, to settle as a shepherd in the wilderness. He entered Midian as an Egyptian and saved the daughters of Jethro from the local shepherds and now God was sending him on a mission to save his people (shepherds) from the Egyptians, knowing that shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians (Genesis 46:36b).