Raising The Bar
jesus – the source of real joy

John 4

Jesus on His way from Judaea to Galilee was so wearied with His journey that He took a break near Jacob’s well in the city of Sychar, Samaria. It was the practice, for women to come to the well with their pots and fetch water for their daily needs but only at stipulated times. Women considered immoral in the society and those living in adultery were allowed access to the well only during the hottest part of the day. Jesus timed his visit perfectly, just to meet the Samaritan woman, whom He knew in His Spirit was dry and empty within herself.

Raising The Bar
the cost of love and mercy

Luke 10:29 - 37

When a lawyer desiring to justify himself asked Jesus the question, “Who is my neighbour”, Jesus ingeniously presented the parable of the Good Samaritan to answer him. He indicated to His audience that the traveller attacked by the robbers was a Jew, because only the Jews take the circuitous route via Jericho, in order to avoid passing through Samaria to go to the North. The Jews and the Samaritans were always at loggerheads.