Raising The Bar
god’s wisdom concerning samson

During the time of the Judges, Samson was called by God to guard Israel while Samuel was later called to guide Israel. Samson’s parents were told by God that they would be blessed with a son, who would be a Nazirite to God. They were instructed not to drink wine or strong drink and eat nothing unclean. No razor was allowed to come upon Samson’s head after his birth as he would be Israel’s deliverer from the hand of the Philistines. (Judges 13: 3 - 5)

Raising The Bar
true victory

God chose Samson before he was conceived in his mother’s womb, raised him up as a Nazarite and placed the entire burden of Israel on his strong shoulders, so that he would be a one man army defending it from the marauding Philistines. The Spirit of Might which rested upon Jesus (Isaiah 11:2), came up so heavily upon him time and again, that his Herculean exploits still remain unmatched in Judeo-Christian history.