Women's Corner
Gladys Aylward
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Posted: April 6, 2018

Gladys Aylward from the suburbs of London wanted to become a missionary to China – a land governed by communistic ideologies which fiercely opposed the spread of the Gospel. The desire to be a mis¬sionary was birthed when Gladys heard about the dire need of missionaries to China. She knew that the call of God upon her life was imminent. Her stint at the China Inland Missionary School turned out to be a regrettable experience. Gladys failed in her Bible class and as an older woman she was not eligible to be a missionary. Resolute and obedient to her call she decided to act upon it on her own. Gladys encountered her first obstacle when she did not have ninety pounds for the ticket to China since it was thirty times more than all the money she had. She took the risk of booking the cheapest fare – which included an overland travel through Germany, Poland, Siberia that finally passed through the war zone between Russia and China. Could the splatter of blood and bullets quell her desire of serving God as a missionary? A few days later, her journey was brought to an abrupt halt at Siberia due to the ongoing war she had been warned about. To her utter dismay, Glad¬ys was forced to walk alone thirty miles back to the nearest station braving the cold icy winds and with¬out food. Yet Gladys prayed “I want to go to China to serve You Lord, don’t let me die here”. Famished and weakened by the thirty hour ordeal, she arrived at Chita station only to be arrested by Russian officials. She was in their custody for several days as they took her to be a machinist in the military and not a missionary. Gladys feared that she might have to remain in these iron fetters for life. Amidst all the gloom, her focus was drawn to Ne¬hemiah 4:14 – “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, Great and Awesome”. Miraculously she was able to escape from the grip of the Soviets and her entry to China soon became a reality. Gladys sailed across to her final destination to become a missionary to the Chinese people as she had envisioned! Gladys is the epitome of how God uses someone of meagre means and abili¬ties when there is a wholehearted yielding to His Spirit. In the words of Bill Hamon, ‘God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called’. Her faithfulness to God’s vision saw thousands turn to Christianity in China during her lifetime.