Raising The Bar
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: February 5, 2017

Numbers 13 – 14:30

The Lord commanded Moses to send leaders from each tribe of Israel, to spy out the land of Canaan which He was going to give to them. Moses sent twelve leaders to see whether the people who dwelt in it were strong or weak; if they lived in camps or strongholds and whether the land was rich or poor. God, who knew everything about Canaan and its inhabitants, could have given all the facts to Moses and taken the Israelites forward. But He wanted to test their spiritual outlook and their faith in Him. The spies were impressed with the cities and the cornucopia of the land but realized that the descendants of Nephilim (Check Genesis 6:4) were dwelling there.

The ten spies feared the mighty giants (Nephilim) in Canaan and presumed that they looked like grasshoppers before them. They used their wisdom with what they saw with their natural eyes to magnify the enemy, forgetting how the mighty God of Israel had led them thus far by doing great signs and wonders.

The fear and unbelief of the ten spies rubbed off on the entire congregation but Caleb and Joshua who whole heartedly followed the Lord (Numbers 32:12), displayed their faith in God that He would grant them victory over the giants to conquer Canaan. None of the people who started their journey from Egypt, except Caleb and Joshua, reached the Promised Land, for the Lord destroyed them in the wilderness (Numbers 32:13).

By overlooking the greatness of God and magnifying the enemy in fear, the people failed to reach the Promised Land!

Thought for the day: The enemy can be mighty; but always remember that our God is Almighty!



Numbers 13 – 14:30

The Lord commanded Moses to send leaders from each tribe of Israel, to spy out the land of Canaan which He was going to give to them. Moses sent twelve leaders to see whether the people who dwelt in it were strong or weak; if they lived in camps or strongholds and whether the land was rich or poor. God, who knew everything about Canaan and its inhabitants, could have given all the facts to Moses and taken the Israelites forward." data-share-imageurl="">