Raising The Bar
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: March 18, 2017

Luke 11:11 - 13 / Matthew 7:9 - 11.

For every commodity that is original in this world, there is a counterfeit.

We have knock-off jewellery, golf-clubs, watches, electronic gadgets, currency notes....the list is endless.

Jesus, while teaching His disciples on prayer in Luke chapter eleven, told them that the Holy Spirit is the person given to all men who desire to pray. He urged everyone to persevere in asking for the Holy Spirit promised by the Father, since it was a reasonable request for one's spiritual growth.

However, Jesus warned that there are also counterfeits in the spiritual realm of life to which one needs to be vigilant. He gave a list of simple foods like bread, fish and eggs which have look-alikes that can deceive any dear child of God.

During Jesus’ time in the Middle East, bread was cooked on a stone that looked just like it; white scorpions were found curled up in a corner in poultry farms, giving the appearance of eggs; and some varieties of snakes in the water resembled fish. By taking Jesus’ advice, we should seek the Father for the Holy Spirit and trust Him to help us discern the counterfeits.

Apostle John also has warned us about the false spirits that have gone out into the world, which try to imitate the Holy Spirit in order to deceive the children of God (1 John 4:1). 

Thought for the day: In spite of spiritual counterfeits in the world, the Holy Spirit of God gives us discernment to keep us away from them.