Raising The Bar
god leads his people in unusual ways
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: March 13, 2017

Joshua 3:10 – And Joshua said, “Hereby you shall know that the living God is among you”

When the Lord led the people of Israel out of slavery from Egypt, He did not lead them through the established trade route which the Egyptians normally took. Even when the sons of Jacob came to buy food from the Egyptians governed by their brother Joseph, it took only eleven days for them to reach Egypt from Israel by road.

But God made the entire nation of Israel pass through the Red Sea by parting its waters; parted the river Jordan to help them cross over to the other side and even brought down the walls of Jericho to make them enter the Promised Land. Not even Moses the leader or any other Israelite would have thought of this way, which God ultimately led them.

It was a unique way, which no man had ever set foot before except the children of Israel. God opened up a way, where there was no way just to prove to the whole world that He was among the people of Israel to blaze a new trail.

When the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, the Egyptian army followed suit, thinking that the way was opened for them too. Presumption which closely imitates faith led them to cross the Red Sea with all their horses and chariots, only to be drowned in it. Even today the world will get to know the greatness of our God, only when we are led in unusual ways – different from the people of the world.

Thought for the day: When we allow God to lead us, our journey becomes supernatural.