Raising The Bar
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: March 20, 2017

James 3:16 – ‘For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice’ 

The letter of James, addressed to the Jewish converts, is an easy book to understand but a difficult one to put into action. He elucidates the important issues of life which a believer needs to deal with, to become a mature Christian. 

The world created by God is in the control of the evil one and according to Apostle Paul, satan is referred to as the ‘god of this world’ (2 Corinthians 4:4). In every stage and segment of life, James warns us that if selfish ambition and jealousy co-exist, this deadly combination can make an individual or a society to turn malevolent. 

Achan had a selfish ambition to become rich and so he coveted the devoted things cursed by God to bring disaster to his family and the people of Israel. His selfish act, led to the death of thirty six Israelite soldiers and also brought defeat to Israel in the battle at Ai (Joshua 7:1 - 5).  

The jealousy of Cain towards his own brother cost Abel his life (Genesis 4:8), while Miriam and Aaron’s jealousy towards the authority given by God to Moses, got them into deep trouble with God (Numbers 12). The selfish ambition of the mother of James and John to request Jesus for a throne in His kingdom for her sons, led to jealousy among the other disciples (Matt 20: 20, 21). 

James cautions the Christians to eradicate selfish ambition and jealousy which leads to evil - destroying homes, churches, places of work, classrooms, organisations etc….. 

Thought for the day: When selfish ambition which leads to jealousy is not sanctified, it affects the purity of the church.