Raising The Bar
a good lesson from jairus’ life
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: March 28, 2017

Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and seeing Jesus, he fell at His feet and besought Him, saying, ‘My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well, and live’. And Jesus went with him. (Mark 5:22 - 24)

Jairus, when he met Jesus would have had his adrenaline pumping because at any time his little daughter was about to die. This could have probably been the most critical time he would have faced in his life. Not all people can carry themselves with poise, when experiencing a harrowing time like this.

Jairus had met Jesus and invited Him home but all of a sudden a woman turns up from nowhere with her twelve year old problem and delays Jesus from visiting his daughter immediately. Seeing the delay and going through these tense moments, he could have reacted furiously with Jesus as well as the woman.

He could have told Jesus, ‘I thought you were a fair judge – wasn’t it I that sought you first. But why do you give preference to this woman having promised to visit me first’. He could have flown off the handle and questioned the woman – ‘you have been struggling with this sickness for twelve years whereas my twelve year old daughter is at the very point of death. Could you not have waited a few more minutes till Jesus attended to my daughter?’

 Jairus was calm and composed and never reacted, even when he heard the grave news that his daughter was dead; neither did he throw up any tantrums. He simply trusted Jesus and waited for Him to visit his home.

Jairus kept his cool till the very end to receive his daughter back to life.

Thought for the day:-

Don't press the panic button -  Jesus is always in control of every situation.