On reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, we stumble upon great men and women who did extra-ordinary signs and wonders to glorify the God of heaven and earth. Some of these miracles are so mind boggling that one needs real faith to believe in them. No wonder, Jesus rounded up the fact saying, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Matthew 19:26).
Apostle Paul in writing to the Corinthian church, reveals the secret that God is the treasure put in earthen pots, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to man (2 Corinthians 4:7). It is not the earthen pot - the Me-factor which is so limited; but the ‘God-Factor’ that makes God’s servants supernatural and unlimited. Paul was referring to the Holy Spirit who is the God factor challenging the god of this world, who has blinded the eyes of the people – Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Bishop Milton Wright was a very sincere man of God, who went around in a bicycle to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. When a reporter asked him, if the age was soon coming when men would fly, he quickly replied that, ‘Men can never fly but only angels can’. But in the very backyard of his home, his sons Orville and Wilbur who were bicycle mechanics invented the first aeroplane to make their father’s travel easier and quicker.
The ‘God-Factor’, which is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is still at work among us. History records that all those from the Pharaoh of Egypt to the wise men of this very day, have been made to eat humble pie, when it comes to doubting the never-changing supernatural power of God.
Thought for the day: The greatest treasure that man can be gifted with is the Holy Spirit living inside of us.