Raising The Bar
the psalmist’s guideline to prosperity
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: April 5, 2017

Psalm 1 is the door opener to the book of Psalms – the prayer and the hymn book of the people of Israel. They were written during the time of Moses, David and the exile period. Six times between Psalm 1 and Psalm 139, the Psalmist says that “God knows everything”. Martin Luther said, ‘when you read a Psalm, you can see the life of a saint’.

The most important thing the Psalmist says for any man to be blessed of the Lord is to AVOID BAD COMPANY - the ABC of life. Every child of God should ensure that he should not be drawn into bad friendship. Innocent people first walk into such friendship, then stand to spend some time and finally sit with them to become totally corrupted. Instead of wasting one’s precious time with bad company which ruins good morals, the Psalmist suggests that the person should derive pleasure from reading and meditating the word of God, day and night.

Anyone who meditates on God’s word regularly will be truly blessed by God. He will be like a tree with leaves always green yielding fruits in its season – productive to God the Creator. The green leaves indicate the good testimony of the child of God and the fruits indicate his blessedness. The psalmist declares that the man who reads and meditates the word of God will prosper in all that he does! (Psalm 1:3b)

Thought for the day: Avoiding bad company and meditating on the Word of God leads to prosperity.