Raising The Bar
limiting jesus - god of the impossible
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: January 9, 2017

Bethany meaning ‘House of Misery’, just two miles from Jerusalem, was a haven for the lepers, the impoverished and the diseased, that gave Jesus enough reason to visit this village frequently.

When Lazarus became ill, his sisters had sent a distress message, calling Him to Bethany, but Jesus failed to respond. After perceiving in His Spirit that Lazarus was dead, only then did He decide to cross over the Jordan and visit the bereaved family.

He had given a hint to His benighted disciples, that He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, but as usual – it was beyond their comprehension. Martha on hearing that Jesus was just outside Bethany, went up to Him first and said, “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21).

Though Jesus tried to strengthen her by saying that her brother would rise again, she believed that it would happen only during the resurrection on the last day. Jesus then sent word through Martha to call Mary, who dashed off immediately to meet her Teacher. On seeing Jesus, she too repeats the same two-liner her sister Martha had used - “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died”. Some of the Jews who came to console the family, made snide remarks, that if Jesus could open blind eyes – why did He not heal Lazarus from his sickness?

In looking through the hearts of the disciples, the bereaved sisters and the Jewish well-wishers, it is obvious that none of them expected Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead. They still held on to the opinion that if Jesus had been around, He would have healed Lazarus to prevent his demise. Even at the tomb, Martha expects only bad odour to come out - but out came Lazarus in his grave clothes. Hey Presto!

We can never conjecture how Jesus would work in a given situation. He can do anything, anytime, anywhere. Praise be to Him – God of the impossible!

Thought for the day -

It would be self-limiting to God if we expect Him to work the way we desire.