Raising The Bar
shying away from ‘group thinking’
Written by Christopher Arulanand
Posted: January 24, 2017

On a roseate day, two thousand years ago, it was the most defining moment in the history of mankind, when Jesus Christ the most noble of all creation, was hung on a cross with just a few of His loved ones witnessing the ordeal. But there were thieves beside Him and below Him on the ground, mocking and ridiculing the author of life. Unperturbed by all their raillery, Jesus prayed an unusual prayer – “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:24).

Though there was just one common public opinion about Jesus among the hostile crowd, one thief daring to differ, moved away from ‘group thinking’ to express his ‘individuality’ after hearing the prayer of Jesus. He didn’t stick on to the general consensus, but came to a quick conclusion that the Man in the middle was more than a mortal man! (Luke 23:41)

Jesus toiled for three and a half years on earth to establish the kingdom but the thief picked up the truth that Jesus should definitely have a Kingdom beyond the visible world. When he uttered the word ‘kingdom’, Jesus touched by his faith, instantly offered him a place in paradise (Luke 23:42,43).

In such a time as this, beloved children of the Eternal King, let us give up our penchant for staying with the majority but like the dying thief, shy away to pick up the truth and inherit the Kingdom of God.

Thought for the day: Caleb and Joshua dared to be different from the mixed multitude that left Egypt and made it to the Promised Land.


On a roseate day, two thousand years ago, it was the most defining moment in the history of mankind, when Jesus Christ the most noble of all creation, was hung on a cross with just a few of His loved ones witnessing the ordeal. But there were thieves beside Him and below Him on the ground, mocking and ridiculing the author of life. Unperturbed by all their raillery, Jesus prayed an unusual prayer – “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:24).

Though there was just one common public opinion about Jesus among the hostile crowd, one thief daring to differ, moved away from ‘group thinking’ to express his ‘individuality’ after hearing the prayer of Jesus." data-share-imageurl="">