When Moses was grown up, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter but chose to share the ill-treatment with his people than to enjoy his exuberant life style in the palace. He was burdened within himself that he should alleviate the sufferings of his people who were living under the bondage of slavery. On one such occasion, when he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he took the law into his own hands by killing the Egyptian and hiding him in the sand. When Moses realized that the news of the murder had spread to Pharaoh who sought for his life, he fled from Egypt to the land of Midian. Moses married Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro and took care of his flock in the wilderness for the next forty years. (Exodus 2:11-21)
Many keen readers of the Bible seem to ask the question as to why God took forty years to extend his calling to Moses, when He knew that a man of his calibre, well-trained in the Egyptian palace was frittering away his time in the wilderness as a nonentity?
It is interesting to read in Exodus 4:19 that God waited all these years ‘for the men who were seeking to kill Moses to die’ and after their death, instructed him to get back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites.
Moses had jumped the gun to take the ministry of deliverance in his own hands without waiting for God’s time. In doing so, Moses couldn’t give a decent burial to one Egyptian, but God in His time used him to bury all the horses, the chariots and the Egyptians at one go in the depths of the Red Sea!
Thought for the day: Waiting time is not wasted time for God works only in His time.